We will use Get Customer as a sample to define the Java API Class.
Go to the ##JavaApiClass worksheet. AlchemyJ Workbook can support multiple Java API Class worksheets.
In the Basic Settings section, key in the values as shown below for the basic settings. This defines the class name and the package that it should be in.
Sub-package name
Class name
Next, we define the function getCustomerByName that this class will provide. In the Functions section (for output & declaration of function), key in the values as shown below. The below setting defines the function output as an Object. The structure of this object will be defined in a Data Relationship Schema that refers to GetCustomer!B15:E18. DB Operation Type is mandatory since the function requires to access DB.
Function Point
Method Name
Return Class
Return Data Address
DB Operation Type
Get Customer
Non Transaction
Data Relationship Schema Address for Get Customer
Our model expects the customer name at GetCustomer!C12. Therefore, in the Function Input Parameters section, we define an input parameter called name for Function Point Get Customer. Name should be a string so its parameter class is String. Set Data Address to GetCustomer!C12 so that when the method is invoked, it will set the input value to GetCustomer!C12 at run-time.