AlchemyJ Extended Functions Index (By Category)
AlchemyJ provides over 90 Extended functions to support API modeling in Excel.
Address Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajAddress | Returns a cell reference or a range reference as text. |
Big Number Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajBigNumAbs | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the absolute value, i.e. the magnitude, of the value of BigNumber. |
ajBigNumCompareTo | Compares if BigNumber number1 is greater than number2. Returns 1 if number1 is greater than number2. |
ajBigNumDivide | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 divided by number2. |
ajBigNumDivideToInteger | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of BigNumber number1 by number2. |
ajBigNumEquals | Returns true if the value of BigNumber number1 is equal to the value of number2, otherwise returns false |
ajBigNumInt | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber rounded to an integer using rounding mode round_mode. |
ajBigNumIsGreater | Returns true if the value of BigNumber number1 is greater than the value of number2, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsGreaterEqual | Returns true if the value of BigNumber number1 is greater than or equal to the value of number2, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsInteger | Returns true if the value of BigNumber is an integer, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsLess | Returns true if the value of BigNumber number1 is less than the value of number2, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsLessEqual | Returns true if the value of BigNumber number1 is less than or equal to the value of number2, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsNegative | Returns true if the sign of BigNumber is negative, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsPositive | Returns true if the sign of BigNumber is positive, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumIsZero | Returns true if the value of BigNumber is zero or minus zero, otherwise returns false. |
ajBigNumMax | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments. |
ajBigNumMin | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments. |
ajBigNumMod | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 modulo number2, i.e. the integer remainder of dividing BigNumber number 1 by number2. |
ajBigNumMultiply | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 multiplied by number2. |
ajBigNumNegate | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber negated, i.e. multiplied by -1. |
ajBigNumNumberValue | Returns the value of BigNumber as an Excel number value. |
ajBigNumPower | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 exponentiate by number2. |
ajBigNumPrecision | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber rounded to a precision defined in trailing_zeros. |
ajBigNumRand | Returns a new BigNumber with a pseudo-random value equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1. |
ajBigNumRound | Returns the value of BigNumber after rounded. |
ajBigNumShift | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 shifted by the no. of places defined in number2. |
ajBigNumSqrt | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of BigNumber. |
ajBigNumSubtract | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 minus number2. |
ajBigNumSum | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of BigNumber number1 plus number2. |
ajBigNumSumRange | Returns a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments. |
Big String Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajBigStrFIXCheckSum | Returns the checksum of a big string FIX message. |
ajBigStrLeft | Returns the specified number of characters from the start of Big String text. |
ajBigStrLen | Returns the length of Big String text. |
ajBigStrLower | Converts all characters in Big String text to lowercase. |
ajBigStrMid | Returns the characters from the middle of a Big String text, given a starting position and length. |
ajBigStrProper | Converts the Big String text to proper case; the first letter in each word is uppercase, and all other letters to lowercase. |
ajBigStrReplace | Replaces part of a Big String text with a different text string. |
ajBigStrRept | Repeats Big String text a given number of times. |
ajBigStrRight | Returns the specified number of characters from the end of Big String text. |
ajBigStrSet | Converts a cell value to a big string. |
ajBigStrSubstitute | Replaces existing text with new text in a Big String. |
ajBigStrSumByte | Returns the sum of all characters' byte value in the Big String text. |
ajBigStrTextJoin | Concatenates a list or range of Big String text using a delimiter. |
ajBigStrTextSplit | Splits Big String text with a delimiter. |
ajBigStrTrim | Removes all spaces from a Big String text except for single spaces between words. |
ajBigStrUpper | Converts a Big String text to all uppercase letters. |
ajBigStrValue | Converts a big string to a cell value. Only the number of characters that can fit in a cell will be converted. |
Database Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajDBCountRecord | Counts the number of records in a database table or a view. |
ajDBCreateRecord | Inserts the data into a database table. |
ajDBDeleteRecord | Delete records from a database table. |
ajDBExportToWorkbook | Reads records from specified database table and writes to a specific range in the target workbook. |
ajDBGetLOB | Retrieve a large object (such as a file) from database table and save it as a file. |
ajDBImportFromWorkbook | Reads a range of cell values in the source workbook and inserts new records or update the existing records in a database table. |
ajDBMergeRecord | Inserts a new record or update existing records in a database table. |
ajDBReadRecord | Retrieves records from a database table or a view. |
ajDBRunSQL | Executes a SQL statement and returns the result. |
ajDBRunSPToWorkbook | Executes a stored procedure and writes the result to the target workbook.. |
ajDBRunStoredProc | Executes a stored procedure and returns the result. |
ajDBType | Returns the database type of a data source. |
ajDBUpdateLOB | Uploads a file to a database table. |
ajDBUpdateRecord | Update existing records in a database table. |
Error Handling Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajModelError | Retrieves error records from the Model Error List. |
ajRaiseError | Adds an error element into the Model Error List. |
ajSystemError | Retrieves error records from the System Error List. |
External Resources Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajCustomFunction | Executes a native Java class method at runtime. |
ajKafkaSendMessage | Sends a message to a Kafka server. |
ajSendEmail | Sends an email to recipients with the given subject, message, and attachments. |
ajWebService | Returns data from a web service on the internet or intranet. |
ajWebServiceREST | Returns data from a REST web service on the internet or intranet. |
ajWebServiceSOAP | Returns data from a SOAP web service on the internet or intranet. |
File Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajCopyFile | Copies a file from source folder to the destination folder |
ajDeleteFile | Deletes the specified file. |
ajFileExists | Checks if the file exists. Returns True if exists, otherwise False. |
ajFileProperty | Returns full list of file properties of the specified file/folder. |
ajMoveFile | Moves the file from source folder to the destination folder. |
ajReadFile | Imports file data into an Excel worksheet. |
ajReadWorkbook | Reads a range of cell values in the target workbook into the current workbook. |
ajRenameFile | Changes the name of a file. |
ajWriteFile | Exports a range of cell values to a file. |
ajWriteWorkbook | Writes a range of cell values to a specific range in the target workbook. |
Folder Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajCopyFolder | Copies file(s) from source folder to the destination folder |
ajCreateFolder | Creates a folder in the destination path. |
ajDeleteFolder | Deletes the specified folder. |
ajFolderExists | Checks if the folder exists. Returns True if exists, otherwise False. |
ajFolderList | Lists all files/sub-folders information from a folder. |
ajMoveFolder | Moves the folder from source path to the destination path. |
ajRenameFolder | Changes the name of a folder. |
JSON Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajJSON | Converts a range of name and value pair data to a JSON string. |
ajJSONFromSchema | Converts multiple ranges of data or tables to a JSON string. The relationship between the ranges is based on a data relationship schema. |
ajJSONFromTable | Converts a single range of data or a table to a JSON string. |
ajJSONPath | Gets the result of a JSON path expression based on the supplied JSON string. |
ajJSONToTable | Converts a JSON string to an array of data. |
LDAP Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajLDAPGroupMembers | Returns the user or sub-groups in a group from a LDAP directory. |
ajLDAPLogin | Authenticates users with LDAP directory. |
ajLDAPUserDetails | Returns the user attributes of a user. |
ajLDAPUserInGroups | Returns the groups a user is in. |
ajLDAPUserList | Returns a list of users the match the filter criteria. |
Validate Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajCheckDataItem | Validates and transform data based on a given data dictionary component. |
XML Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajXML | Converts a range of name and value pair data to an XML string. |
ajXMLFromSchema | Converts multiple ranges of data or tables to an XML string. The relationship between the ranges is based on a data relationship schema. |
ajXMLFromTable | Converts a single range of data or a table to an XML string. |
ajXMLToTable | Converts an XML string to an array of data. |
Other Functions
Function Name | Function Description |
ajCache | Transforms array formula into individual cell formula. |
ajEnviron | Returns the value of an environment variable. |
ajFilter | Filters a range of data based on the defined criteria. |
ajFIXCheckSum | Returns the checksum of a FIX message |
ajRegExpCount | Counts the number of times that a pattern occurs in a string using regular expression. |
ajRegExpMatch | Searches an input string for a substring that matches a regular expression pattern. |
ajSort | Sorts the contents of a range or array. |
ajSumByte | Returns the sum of all characters' byte value in the message. |
ajTextSplit | Splits text with a delimiter. |